Rider Spotlight: Frederic Wandres

Mar 22, 2023 - 1:08 PM

As the end of the season approaches, we were able to catch up with none other than Frederic Wandres! Frederic has just completed his season here at the Adequan Global Dressage Festival, having six CDI Grand Prix starts and six CDI Grand Prix wins with Bluetooth OLD! Frederic had an incredible season and has his eyes set on keeping up the momentum back in Germany! Continue reading to learn more about Frederic, his partnership with Bluetooth, his pre-show routine, and more!

Photo Courtesy by Wellington International © Emma Stephens

Tell me about your partnership with Bluetooth OLD!

His owner bought him as a three-year-old at the P.S.I Auction in Germany. He had several riders, but about two years ago, he finally made it to me. It took a while to get to know each other in the beginning, but it was worth it, seeing as our partnership improved. I had him in Wellington last season, and this year was a considerable improvement. The marks really showed earning 6/6 wins at the 4* and the 5*. He did so well competing for three months in the heat that we were able to keep him happy and healthy.

What is your favorite thing about the GP tests?

The whole thing is incredibly challenging, and each movement comes quickly, one after the other. It’s not that you only present one exercise well; you have to show each exercise back to back, calm and collected. So what makes the ride special is when you and the horse become one, and everything is controllable in those five to six minutes in the arena.

What is your pre-show routine, and how do you prepare yourself mentally?

Because every horse is different, each horse has a different routine. I try to get my schedule early so I can count backward on when the horse should have a day off, a light ride, or working in the double or snaffle bridle to prepare us for our time in the ring. As for myself, the preparation is relatively easy; I do everything the same. For show days, sometimes I’ll ride before to get my body fit and warmed up, and I also prefer to stay busy instead of sitting around.

Frederic Wandres-4
Photo Courtesy by Wellington International © Emma Stephens

What is your horse life like in Germany versus Wellington?

The temperatures are the most significant difference. There are some places where it feels hot in Europe, but it definitely does not compare to Florida’s heat. Last week it was super hot with no rain, making it a bit difficult for the horses to handle. The environment is similar, and the horses enjoy being in the sun for grazing or time in the paddocks.

What is the biggest difference between shows in Europe and shows in the US?

The spectators are cheering more in America than in Europe. Whether you had a good or bad ride, everyone will still be cheering you on as you exit the ring. The horses also recognize the enthusiasm, creating an incredible feeling during the Friday Night Freestyles. It was so enthusiastic the horses loved it!

What is your favorite thing about showing at Global?

The feeling the spectators bring is my favorite at Global. I also love how close everything is. It’s a ten-minute drive to the stable and back to the show. In Europe, we have to drive about seven hours to each show, which takes some energy out of the horses.

Photo courtesy by Wellington International © Emma Stephens

What are your goals for the summer of 2023?

Of course, I have goals I would like to achieve, but I’m a bit superstitious when it comes to planning. I am a part of the German squad, so I would love to participate in specific competitions in the summer and spring, but it all has to be at the right time. The horses really do the planning more than anything.

Thank you, Frederic, for being this week’s Rider Spotlight! We wish you the best of luck in the future!


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